Download Firm Profile Kiguru & Associates

Kiguru and Associates is an auditing firm licensed to practice as accountants and financial/tax consultants. The firm is managed by certified accountants, associates and support staff. We have realized considerable growth serving both the corporate and other sectors, buoyed by our focus and vision. By focusing heavily on developing and empowering our people, we are confident we will continue to be relevant to the issues at hand and provide practical insight to
help businesses and organisations to navigate through changing environments.
As a firm, we aim to promote transparency, accountability and leadership in Financial Audit matters, providing timely, efficient, cost-effective and value adding financial information to all levels of enterprises.

We place a lot of emphasis on constant communication with the client’s
management throughout the course of our engagement. This has a great
influence on the effectiveness of our performance, and in meeting the
clients’ expectations.

  • 15+

    Years of gathered insights
  • 100+

    Clients served across every sector
  • 100+

    Talented Professionals