International Financial Reporting Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards

The impact of IFRS adoption together with continued amendments to the standards stretches far beyond accounting and financial reporting to affect key business decisions. Access to up-to-date guidance and timely advice are essential as IFRS is adopted in many more countries, or new and revised standards are implemented. Consistent interpretation and application is also vital for companies operating in a global environment.

Kiguru & Associates provides access to a number of resources available on our website. Please see the IFRS menu to access these valuable tools. Accounting Updates provide information on important accounting developments, and a selection of IFRS summaries and snapshots provide a quick overview of the most important provisions of the standards. The latest illustrative financial statements template is a useful guide to assist with layout and presentation of IFRS financial statements

IIn addition, we provide high quality guidance and resources, as well as access to an international IFRS group, consisting of practitioners and technical personnel with expertise in IFRS.