18 03 2023

Judgement of the High Court of Kenya in

On January 30th, 2023, the High Court issued a ruling dismissing Constitutional Petitions E338 of 2022, which were consolidated with Petitions E342 of 2022, 372 of 2022,

01 07 2020

Kenya Tax Update: The Finance Act, 2020

The Finance Act, 2020 ( the ACT) was assented into law by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on 30th June 2020, giving life to a raft of taxation measures

01 05 2020

Kenya Tax Update: Tax Laws Amendment Act, 2020

The Tax Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020 ( the ACT) was assented to by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on 25th April 2020, a month after he announced measures to

27 02 2020

Risk Management as a core component of Organization

Uncertainty evolving in the global village over the past few years has had a major effect on how organisations as well as individuals relate and operate these days.

01 01 2020

Understanding IFRS for SMEs Adoption

International Financial Reporting Standards, usually called IFRSs are accounting standards developed and promoted by the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), to provide a common global language

14 10 2019

Debt Sustainability & Economic Development

Defined by (Economic Times – Debt Financing, 2019) Debt means the amount of money which needs to be repaid back and financing means providing funds to be used in

20 06 2019

2019 Budget Highlight

The theme for the 2019/20 Budget Speech is “Creating jobs, Transforming lives– Harnessing the “Big four” Plan”. This year’s theme has been set out on an ambitious Social Economic development

01 01 2019

Presumptive Income Tax to Enhance Compliance

This is a direct method used to assess tax liability from eligible individual persons whose annual turnover does not exceed Sh. 5 Million per year. The presumptive method of taxation

19 07 2018

Role of Accounting

Accounting and the finance function have traditionally been identified as leaders in providing information for enterprise performance management (EPM).  But times are changing. Can performance ultimately be measured in financial

14 06 2018

2018 Budget Brief

The theme for the 2018/19 Budget Speech is “Creating jobs, transforming lives and sharing prosperity.” This is in line with the Big 4 Agenda of growing the contribution of manufacturing

15 05 2017

Why your Organization Needs an External Auditor

External auditors are independent persons or registered bodies, who inspect companies’ financial and accounting records to express an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair

02 04 2017

Kenya Economic Outlook

Real GDP growth was a robust 5.8% in 2016, driven mainly by services (which accounted for 66% of growth) and industry (which accounted for 19% of growth). Agriculture accounted for